Metastudio DRM for partners

When implementing data warehouse solutions (DW) or the Master Data Management (MDM) class, we usually assume that users know their business. Usually it is, but they are not always able to “describe” it in a way that can be directly translated into the world of reporting and analysis. This is the role of reference data, i.e. hierarchies, categorizations, dictionaries or rules. Our customer’s experience shows that the implementation of reference data management at an early stage of the project is the key to easy implementation of almost any project.

The start of an DW or MDM implementation project is always difficult and requires many decisions. Purchases of software licenses are not in the first place. We decided to help in this. After registration, we will provide all implementation companies with a free license for Metastudio DRM software for the duration of the implementation project.

This will allow delegation of reference data management, during the project, directly to business users. In one place you can store, verify and make versions of reference data that will be the basis for next implementation stages. After completing the project, customer is not required to purchase a license for Metastudio DRM software because the dictionaries are stored in external tables and can be used independently.

If the customer is going to manage reference data, we offer subscription licenses and permanent licenses. We also have an offer for companies providing outsourcing services in the field of maintaining reference dictionaries.

Enjoy using Metastudio DRM!


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