What should a Data Steward focus on in 2023?

Have you ever wondered what data management will look like in the near future? In my work, I’ve had the opportunity to observe many changes.

A flexible approach to costs and focusing on key aspects of an organization’s operations leads to the rapid development of cloud computing and data transmission networks. Many projects I have been involved in are using these solutions or will soon start to do so. This brings new challenges related to security and data management.

Based on my experiences, there is an increasing demand for decentralized access to data. This contributes to a shift towards data mesh and data fabric at the expense of traditional data lakes and data warehouses. Instead of less or more resource-hungry data silos, flexible and scalable solutions emerge, giving companies more freedom and allowing for better data utilization.

An important trend I’ve encountered is the increasingly close collaboration between domain teams and IT teams. Although it’s not an easy task, it brings tangible benefits to companies that change their approach and integrate teams. With the development of artificial intelligence, many actions within data management will be fully or partially automated through AI and ML tools.

There is more and more talk about IoT devices and the large amounts of data they transmit. Soon, we will find out what new challenges will arise for data stewards in connection with this trend. The first issue that comes to my mind is, for example, the ethics related to processing and sharing specific data.

In summary, by 2023, a data steward should quickly update their knowledge in using cloud computing and high-speed networks. Knowledge about decentralized data management methods while maintaining security principles and regulations in this area will also be useful. Managing data without the support of artificial intelligence will be practically impossible, so it’s worth staying up to date with these trends.

Today, a data steward is responsible for the smooth flow of data streams, much like a captain who must ensure smooth sailing on the uncharted waters of the digital ocean, connecting the world of technology with business.

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